Jun. 21, 2017
Honoring National Selfie Day, CyberLink Debuts New Consumer Research on Selfie Culture

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New CyberLink Selfie Report Finds the Large Majority of Millennials Have Taken
Selfies in Unconventional Places and Situations

NEW YORKJune 21, 2016 — In celebration of National Selfie Day,CyberLink Corp.(5203.TW),the world’s leading multimedia technology company and maker of top photo editing app PhotoDirector, today released findings from its latest consumer research report examining how often and where, as well as with whom, consumers are taking selfies today.

Established in 2014, National Selfie Day is observed in the United States and abroad every June 21, serving as a time to celebrate the image of oneself through the cultural phenomenon that is the selfie—the action of taking a photograph of oneself, typically with a smartphone, and sharing on social media platforms. According to new research from CyberLink, commissioned through third-party polling agency YouGov, 62 percent of US adults and two-thirds of millennials claim to take at least three selfies, at times even more than 25, before deciding which one they want to share with others.

  • On average, how many selfies, if any, do you usually take before deciding on the one you will use (e.g. post on social media, text to someone, etc.)?

*All US Adults, US Millennial Males or US Millennial Females who take selfies

Across the board the data is clear—few individuals make the initial decision that the first selfie they take is the one they decide to publish and share with others. While on average most take between three to five, the larger question is where, and with whom, are people claiming to take these selfies?

When looking at mainstream Americans who take selfies, nearly one in five (18 percent) have been lucky enough to take a selfie with a celebrity. Another 46 percent have taken selfies in the bathroom mirror, 38 percent while still in bed, and a surprising 16 percent of Americans have taken a selfie on the toilet.

Looking further into the specific practices of US millennials who take selfies, the results are slightly different, yet just as illuminating. Twenty-two percent claim to have taken a selfie with a celebrity, more than half (51 percent) have taken one in the bathroom mirror, 48 percent have taken a selfie while still in bed, and a staggering quarter of millennials who take selfies claim to have done so on the toilet. When looking at more exotic and culturally sensitive locations, 20 percent have taken a selfie at the hospital, 11 percent at the site of a memorial and 9 percent at a cemetery or graveyard.

“Without a question, selfies are the modern self-portrait and has entered nearly every aspect of pop culture imaginable. It’s a spontaneous celebration of who we are, and National Selfie Day this year is simple a reminder of that,” said Richard Carriere, SVP of Global Marketing at CyberLink. “The research is clear that by looking at the number of selfies people take prior to sharing, there is a certain care that goes into the craft of capturing the perfect photo—and CyberLink, alongside our sister company Perfect Corp., have the best portfolio of photography and selfie-centric apps, respectively PhotoDirector and YouCam, to fulfil any selfie aficionado’s toolkit.”

CyberLink’s PhotoDirector Mobile app, available on both iOS and Android, is the company’s flagship photo editing app with close to 40 million downloads worldwide. Perfect Corp., a sister company of CyberLink, is the creator of YouCam Makeup (iOS, Android), YouCam Perfect (iOS, Android) and YouCam Fun (iOS, Android). Perfect Corp’s apps have more than 450 million global downloads to date, with more than 16 billion selfies taken on the YouCam app since its 2014 launch.

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All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Plc. Total sample size was 1145 adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th - 20th June 2017. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all US adults (aged 18+).

About CyberLink
CyberLink (5203.TW) is a world leader in multimedia software design. Since 1996, CyberLink has transformed how people enjoy and create media on PCs, mobile devices and in the Cloud. The company’s award-winning products are sold to all major PC manufacturers as well as millions of customers worldwide. Headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan, CyberLink also runs regional operations through offices in the US, Japan, Europe and Asia-Pacific territories. Further information about CyberLink can be found at

About Perfect Corp.
With over 450 Million downloads globally, Perfect Corporation is dedicated to transforming how consumers, content creators and beauty brands interact together. Our experienced team of engineers and beauty aficionados are pushing the frontiers of technology to create the beauty platform of the future – a fluid environment where individuals express themselves, learn the latest about fashion and beauty, and enjoy instant access to the products from their favorite brands. Further information about Perfect Corp. can be found at


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Corporate: Chloe Wu at or by phone at: +886-2-8667-1298, ext. 1124
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CyberLink USA: Allie Tedone at or by phone at +1 (646) 571-0120
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United Kingdom: Volker Maxisch at or by phone: +31-43-306-0797

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