Jul. 9, 2019
CyberLink Improves Ranking among the Top-Tier Vendors in the Latest Round of NIST Wild 1E-4 Testing

Taipei, TaiwanJuly 9, 2019 CyberLink Corp (5203.TW) today announced that its FaceMe® AI Facial Recognition Engine has ranked among the top tier in the latest Face Recognition Vendor Test (FRVT) in the WILD 1E-4 benchmark category conducted by the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)*. With its algorithm achieving an accuracy rate of 97.02%, CyberLink’s FaceMe® team ranked 12th among all test participants. The WILD 1E-4 test reflects use cases in Smart Retail environments, Smart Surveillance, and Smart City scenarios. The outstanding performance of FaceMe® further demonstrates its exceptional reliability and precision for implementation in a wide range of IoT/AIoT edge devices.

NIST’s FRVT serves as the world’s preeminent benchmarking authority for facial recognition algorithms, with participation from development teams around the world. The NIST FRVT WILD 1E-4 dataset consists of faces extracted from surveillance camera footage or photos, encompassing a wide array of real-world situations including a range of capture angles, poor lighting, or partially covered faces. The image variability simulates real-world use cases where systems would be required to accurately identify individuals in multiple different settings.

In the latest NIST report released in July 2019, FaceMe® achieved a 97.02% accuracy rate (2.98% FNMR/False Non-Match Rate). Among all the world-class participants submitting NIST benchmarks, CyberLink’s FaceMe® team ranked 12th, only 0.27% away from the top-ranked team1, proving yet again that FaceMe® is a world-leading facial recognition engine.

“Since its release, FaceMe® has achieved outstanding results in major facial recognition competitions, including NIST and the MegaFace Challenge. The results confirm FaceMe®‘s global leadership in the facial recognition industry, providing world-class reliability, accuracy, and performance,” said Dr. Jau Huang, CEO of CyberLink. “The WILD 1E-4 test reflects real-world usage scenarios. The results of this test allow system integrators and developers to identify the most accurate and reliable facial recognition technology to implement in smart surveillance and smart retail scenarios.”

FaceMe® provides a fast, accurate facial recognition SDK that delivers flexible integration into edge computing platforms, across Windows, Linux, Android, and iOS operating systems. Since being released, CyberLink has worked with more than 100 customers worldwide to deploy FaceMe® into various solutions such as Smart Retail, Smart Banking, Smart Surveillance, and Smart Robots. In addition to NIST testing, FaceMe® also ranked 12th in the MegaFace Challenge hosted by the University of Washington, with an accuracy rate of 98.41%.

*Ranking is based on the FRVT 1:1 testing result released on 2019/7/3. For the test, each team/vendor can submit up to 2 facial recognition algorithms. CyberLink FaceMe® has achieved 2.98% of False Non-Match Rate (FNMR), ranking as number 17 algorithm in the WILD 1E-4 category. In this test, CyberLink is ranked number 12 among all team/vendor (vendors submitting 2 algorithms are counted as one team/vendor). The number 1 team in this test is Hikvision with FNMR at 2.71%, with 0.27% difference from CyberLink FaceMe®


About CyberLink
Founded in 1996, CyberLink Corp. (5203.TW) is the world leader in multimedia software and AI facial recognition technology. CyberLink addresses the demands of consumer, commercial and education markets through a wide range of solutions, covering digital content creation, multimedia playback, video conferencing, livecasting, mobile applications and AI facial recognition.

CyberLink has shipped several hundred million copies of its multimedia software and apps, including the award-winning PowerDirector, PhotoDirector, and PowerDVD.

With years of research in the fields of artificial intelligence and facial recognition, CyberLink has developed the FaceMe® Facial Recognition Engine. Powered by deep learning algorithms, FaceMe® delivers the reliable, high-precision, and real-time facial recognition that is critical to AIoT applications such as smart retail, smart security and surveillance, smart city and smart home.

For more information about CyberLink, please visit the official website at


Press Contacts
Corporate: Steven Lien at or by phone at: +886-2-8667-1298, ext. 2468
CyberLink Japan: Hiroyuki Imazawa at or by phone at +81-3-5875-6650
CyberLink USA: Mary Placido at or by phone at +1 (415) 218-3627
Germany: Stefan Winter at  or by phone at +49-531-3873316
France: Laëtitia D’Urso at or by phone at +33-(0)1 79 30 90 39
United Kingdom: Steven Lien at or by phone at: +886-2-8667-1298, ext. 2468
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