Sep. 27, 2000
CyberLink Corp. Announces Outstanding Revenue and Profit Growth Achievements, as Company goes IPO!

September 27, 2000----Taipei, Taiwan----CyberLink, a leading developer of digital video and audio software, announced today that it has recorded higher than expected revenues for the first and second quarter of this year. Corporate revenues for the first half of year 2000 reached US$6.61 million (NT$205 million), which represents a 360% growth rate over the first half of 1999. CyberLink has also achieved a record high net income (before tax) of US$3.20 million (NT$97 million) in the first half of 2000. This is a solid sign of the company's growth and financial situation, as the company is set to be listed on the Taiwan OTC (Over The Counter) Exchange on October 11, 2000.

"The qualifications for going public in Taiwan are very stringent", said Rick Tsai, Finance Director of CyberLink Corp. "The Company making the application must adhere to several minimum requirements in order to be qualified for an IPO." Any company wishing to go IPO must complete a rigorous 3 to 6 months review by the Securities and Futures Commission of Taiwan. This commission reviews the qualifying applications and takes a thorough look at the company's internal and external business activities.

One of the qualifications is to be a profitable company and to provide evidence of its future growth potential. Backed by a strong team of high caliber executives, CyberLink's CEO has three major focuses in mind: People, Product, and Profit. "With the right people, we can develop and market competitive products that will in return generate high profit levels," said Alice H. Chang, CEO of CyberLink Corp., on setting strategies for a successful software business. CyberLink has continuously recorded strong annual growth rates, solid earnings, and market growth. According to Alice H. Chang. "CyberLink's annual compound revenue growth rate for the past three years reached 243.12%, and our compound earnings growth rate exceeds 200%." Today CyberLink's earning per share, before tax, is forecasted at US$0.30 (NT$9.4) and US$0.24 (NT$7.5), after tax, which is very high comparing with an average earnings of US$0.05 (NT$1.66) for the IT industry in Taiwan. The IPO price of the stock is set at US$6.06 (NT$188) per share, which is a record-breaking price in the history of the Taiwan OTC Exchange. This company currently has 20 million outstanding shares.

"We are extremely pleased with our financial numbers, as they prove that CyberLink is not only an innovative company with advanced software technologies and products, but also a profitable one!" says Alice H. Chang. "Digital Video and Streaming Video are growing markets, and our revenue results show that CyberLink is in a very strong position to capitalize on these markets".

Note: *Source All numbers from CyberLink Financial Report are denominated in New Taiwan Dollars (NTD) and are converted to equivalent the US Dollars at an exchange rate of NTD31.

About CyberLink Corp.
Established in 1995, CyberLink Corp. is a global leader in the development of digital video and audio software. Our software applications fully utilize PCs' audio and video capabilities in order to develop applications like digital video recording, multimedia slide shows, DVD playback, video streaming and video communication tools. These tools enhance personal productivity, and create new applications that are more accessible and affordable for today's PC users.

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