Dec. 8, 2005
CyberLink Responds to InterVideo's Allegation of Patent Infringement

Taipei, Taiwan----December 8, 2005----CyberLink Corp. (5203.TW), today responded to the allegation from InterVideo Inc. concerning a request to the International Trade Commission (ITC) of the US Government to investigate alleged patent infringement by CyberLink Corporation. As yet, CyberLink has not received official notification from the ITC and all information regarding these proceeding has been received via InterVideo's news releases and reports in the media.

As a heavy investor in its own research and development, CyberLink is a strong proponent of intellectual property rights. CyberLink has submitted more than 130 patent applications worldwide and among these applications 36 of them have been granted as patents.

Cyberlink has been aware of the patent at issue in the InterVideo request for the ITC proceeding (US Patent No. 6,765,788). Cyberlink has undertaken innovative and different approaches and methods to the development of its own technology and software. CyberLink believes that its technology and products do not infringe InterVideo's patent. Should official notification be made, CyberLink will respond to any ITC proceeding as appropriate and is confident of a favorable outcome.

Based on information available on the US Patent Office websiteNote, the patent at issue is now being re-examined by the US Patent Office. Consequently, if the US Patent Office issues a final action to reject this patent, InterVideo Inc. will lose its grounds for this latest ITC proceeding.

Again, CyberLink cannot emphasize enough the respects it pays to the ownership of intellectual property rights and holds a positive and optimistic view toward the result of this proceeding.

US Patent Office website for the patent at issue -!ut/p/_s.7_0_A/7_0_CH/.cmd/ad/.ar/sa.getBib/.c/6_0_69/.ce/7_0_1ET/.p/5_0_18L/.d/4?selectedTab=ifwtab&isSubmitted=isSubmitted&dosnum=90007303



About CyberLink Corp.
Founded in 1995, CyberLink Corp. is a world leader and pioneer in providing integrated solutions for the Digital Home. The products are categorized into two major lines: Digital Multimedia Solutions and Training Solutions. Digital Multimedia Solutions includes DVD Burning and Creativity Products focused on media creation by advancing the technologies to capture, edit, author and record all types of media; Digital Entertainment products provide high-quality media enjoyment on the PC by perfecting state-of-the-art audio-video technologies. These award-winning software applications are ideal solutions for turning today's mainstream computers into home theaters and digital video centers. The company's Training Solutions include authoring tools for creating training content and training management systems that offer an easy and cost effective way to deliver and manage training programs over corporate intranets or the Internet. As a result of the company's solid growth and profitability, CyberLink became a public company in October 2000 and is listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange (5203.TW). To keep up with market demands, CyberLink has operations in North America, Europe, and the Asia Pacific region including Japan. CyberLink's worldwide headquarter is in Taipei.

All companies and product names mentioned herein are for identification purposes only and are the sole property of their respective owners.
Copyright©2005 CyberLink Corp. All rights reserved.

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