Top 4 Benefits for Security Teams using FaceMe® Security’s Notification Monitor Add-On
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Top 4 Benefits for Security Teams using FaceMe® Security’s Notification Monitor Add-On


Improvements in camera technology, advancements in connectivity, upgrades in computing power, and the use of AI have enabled surveillance and security systems to continually improve. However, security guards and security teams still play a key role in protecting properties and preventing incidents from occurring. They too need advanced tools in order to do their jobs. In this article we’ll discuss just such a tool, FaceMe Security’s Notification Monitor.

What is the FaceMe Security Notification Monitor add-on feature?

Developed for security teams and designed for security guards, the Notification Monitor add-on feature provides tools for enhanced security personnel productivity. Easily viewed from approximately 10 feet (3 meters) away, the Notification Monitor instantly alerts security personnel when a blocklisted individual (i.e. shoplifter, disgruntled former employee, trespasser, public nuisance, etc.) is detected by FaceMe Security. The recognized blocklisted individual’s information is then displayed for security teams to determine a proper course of action. With accurate facial recognition detection and real-time alert notifications, the 10-feet user interface (UI) Notification Monitor enables security to be more proactive in stopping incidents before they happen.

How does the Notification Monitor help security teams?

FaceMe Security utilizes existing security cameras and VMS systems to add accurate AI facial recognition to surveillance systems. This can be used for many functions such as employee attendance, school monitoring, or blocklist identification. By leveraging the existing surveillance infrastructure, FaceMe Security is a cost-effective way for adding secure facial recognition based alert notifications of known intruders. The Notification Monitor extends these alerts to a highly visible UI.

With FaceMe Security and the Notification Monitor add-on feature, security teams gain the benefit of AI to constantly monitor for intruders. With a large database to monitor, or a rotating security team, it can be very difficult for security personnel to effectively and accurately monitor for specific individuals. This is especially true of public venues such as shopping malls, department stores, and amusement parks where tens to hundreds of thousands of people visit daily. FaceMe Security and the Notification Monitor add-on feature provide consistent AI monitoring of blocklisted individuals, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Additionally, this helps reduce human error associated with shift changes, security staff away from the security panel, and eye fatigue from constant video monitoring.

Additionally, the Notification Monitor improves security team communication. When a blocklisted person is detected, the Notification Monitor alerts security staff with visual blinking and audio sounds. The detected person’s information is displayed, including percentage of match, live and database images for comparison, name, time, camera location, and group (i.e. known shoplifter, former employee, etc.). Security staff can immediately relay this information to security guards for them to take proactive actions.

Which key vertical markets can benefit from using the Notification Monitor?


Shopping malls and large department stores usually have a loss prevention team on hand during store hours. In retail, the more visitors the better, but it is difficult to know who a threat to the bottom line is. With FaceMe Security and the Notification Monitor add-on feature, loss prevention teams can maintain a database of known shoplifters. This database can also support multiple locations, so stores can be alerted if a known shoplifter from one location enters another. When the Notification Monitor alerts security of a potential threat, staff can quickly mobilize additional team members to the person’s location and either prevent theft or, catch the individual in the act of stealing.

Commercial Properties

Commercial properties can be targets for vandalism and theft of high valued equipment. Large office parks often contain many different companies and employees, making it difficult for everyone to operate under the same access control. However, security for the properties can maintain a database of the different employees. FaceMe Security can be utilized to verify individuals belong on the property and if someone is identified as a “stranger,” an alert can be provided on the Notification Monitor. Security can quickly be deployed to locate the trespasser and verify intent, preventing possible property damage or theft. Hopefully, the person is a guest who simply forgot to check in first.


If one place maintains a blocklist database, it is casinos. With more cameras on their premises than probably any other type of property imaginable, casinos can easily implement FaceMe Security with Notification Monitor to better detect individuals barred from stepping onto the casino floor, including those with gambling addictions or known cheaters. And like retail, casinos can utilize the same database across multiple locations and properties, reducing reliance on pit bosses and the human eye.

Sports Stadiums and Amusement Parks

Sports stadiums and amusement parks both attract a high volume of public visitors. To ensure safety, these venues can maintain a database of blocklisted individuals that were banned from the stadium or amusement park for various reasons or have been deemed a public threat. With tens of thousands of visitors per event, manual screening of individuals would be too labor intensive, time consuming, and nearly impossible.

What other add-on features does FaceMe® Security offer?

FaceMe Security offers additional add-on features to allow users to customize it to their exact needs. Some of these add-on customizations include:

  • Face Terminal - Face Terminal access control panels (*requires FaceMe SDK) can connect with FaceMe Security to use facial recognition identity verification for door entry access. Where extra security is required, they can work with key cards for 2-factor authentication. Face Terminals also include Anti-spoofing detection.
  • Check-In - A UI that displays a camera preview with an employee’s check-in information (ex. name, time). Using the FaceMe Security notification API, it can be integrated with existing time and attendance and access control systems.
  • VMR - This is a video monitoring and recording tool for customers that are not using FaceMe Security with a VMS system. It allows live monitoring of up to 9 different cameras and customizable layouts by floorplan or building map.
  • People Tracker - A powerful tool to expedite video surveillance investigations with three video analytics AI technologies: Person Attribute Recognition, Person Re-ID, and Facial Recognition.


An extra monitor would just be an extension of the FaceMe Security UI. The Notification Monitor is specifically designed to actively alert security personnel with audio and visuals. The UI display is also different, and updates when new people are recognized.

No, the Notification Monitor can be used in any situation that needs active alert notifications of blocklisted or unknown individuals. It can also be used for school campuses, factories, airports, or any situation with a lot of foot traffic.

In FaceMe Security, users can create different groups such as employees, blocklist, VIP’s, etc.

FaceMe®: CyberLink’s Complete Facial Recognition Solution

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