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Navigation: Media Library > Sharing Media in the Media Library

Getting a Link/URL to Share Your CyberLink Cloud Media

To share your CyberLink Cloud media with others, do this:

1.Click the Source > CyberLink Cloud tab, and then select the tab where your media is located (Movies, TV Shows, Videos, Photos, Music).

2.Right click on the collection, folder, media file you want to share and then select Get Link.

3.In the Share Link window, select the Enable share by link option and then configure the following options:

Set expiration date: select this option if you want the link to have an expiration date. If required, click on the calendar icon to set the expiration date for the shared media. After this date, users can no longer use the link to access the shared media.

Protect with pin code: select this option if you want to protect the media with a pin code. If required, enter a 4-digit pin code in the field provided.

4.Click the Copy Share Info button (or either of the individual Copy buttons) to copy the URL link and pin code to your clipboard.

5.Click OK.

Note: to share the URL link, just press the Ctrl+V keys on your keyboard to paste the copied share info in e-mails, text messages, etc.

View Shared Media

Go to the Source > CyberLink Cloud tab, click on the Manage button and then the Shared Media tab to view and manage the CyberLink Cloud media that was shared via a link/URL. On this tab, the following options are available:

click and then select Get Link to get the URL to your shared media and edit the shared link's details.

click and then select Unshare Media to remove the shared media file from the list. The URL for the media file will no longer be available.

click and then select View Shared Media in Browser to view the shared media in your web browser.