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Download Blu-ray Advisor

CyberLink Blu-ray Advisor

Is your PC Blu-ray disc ready?

Download the CyberLink Blu-ray Advisor to find out.

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Current Build information:
  • Build number: 2.0
  • Release date: 10-Aug-2018
  • File size: 19.23 MB
Update details
  • Improves hardware compatibility detection for Blu-ray playback
  • Minor bug fixes

Note: This is a self-diagnostic tool designed to help you identify the capabilities of your system for playing ultra high-definition movies. The CyberLink Blu-ray Advisor is made for your reference only and is prepared in good faith on the basis of data or information reasonably available. CyberLink does not guarantee its accuracy. We recommend that you contact your hardware specialist to verify our results and assist you with upgrading your system.