Magical Tools Edit at Light Speed

Magic Fix

Magic Fixss

Magic Fix is the automatic fixer-upper tool you have been wishing for. The time you previously spent on correcting jiggly videos and blurry or menacing red eye photos will be freed to focus on more important tasks. Transform videos and photos into clear videos and images instantly.

Instantly Correcting Handheld Shot Video

From camcorders and digital cameras to mobile phones and other handheld devices, video gadgets all have the ability to capture videos. Having access to tripods or other equipment to steady video recording can not only be difficult, but cumbersome. PowerDirector's Magic Fix was created for just this purpose. You'll stabilitze video content and refocus photos, achieving editing objectives in a heartbeat.

Refocusing Photos

Still images still fascinate. For photos with red-eyes or a lack of clarity, Magic Fix will instantly correct images. Your photos will be devoid of red-eyes and sharpened for maximum clarity.